MTM6330 - Web Production

Starts September 5, 2018

  • Level 3 β€” Fall Semester
  • Prerequisites: MTM6230
  • 45 hours (instructional activity)

Despite the variety of websites found online today there are many common problems that every developer needs to solve. Building on the web design and development skills learned in the first two terms students learn how to increase their productivity by using a variety of industry standard tools and frameworks.

Course Section Information (CSI)


  • 3hrs/week lecture/lab
  • 3hrs/week prep/practice/assignments


Room T232

Section 010: Wednesday 13:00 - 16:00 πŸ•‘

Section 020: Tuesday 9:00 - 12:00 πŸ•‘

Section 030: Tuesday 12:00 - 15:00 πŸ•‘

Evaluation Plan

Category Weight
In-class Exercises 20%
In-class Quizes 20%
Assignments 20%
Projects 40%

Tool chain





VS Code




Core Topics

  • Project workflow
  • Source Code Management with Git
  • GitHub
  • Modern CSS and Sass
  • CSS Frameworks
  • CSS Animation
  • Javascript DOM manipulation
  • Remote data / AJAX


Students are expected to attend all classes. This course includes weekly hands-on exercises to be completed in-class. There will also be group project work requiring your collaboration. Missing three or more classes is likely to significantly impact your grades.

Classes will start on-time. Please be respectful of your fellow students and arrive in advance of the scheduled start time.

Late Policy

All work is due at the beginning of class on the due date specified unless otherwise noted. Work submitted late, without prior approval, will be graded as ZERO.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is defined as defined as presenting someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as one’s own, and includes the verbal or written submission of another work (for example, ideas, wording, code, graphics, music, and inventions) without crediting that source. This includes all electronic sources (for example, the Internet, television, video, film, and recordings), all print and written sources (for example, books, periodicals, lyrics, government publications, promotional materials, and academic assignments), and all verbal sources (for example, conversations and interviews).

Plagiarism, whether done deliberately or accidentally, is not allowed. The facilitation of plagiarism, that is, one student sharing his or her work with other students, is also not allowed. All parties caught plagiarizing will receive a ZERO.

Repeat offences will result in harsher academic santions which may result in suspension.

Last Updated: 9/4/2018, 4:32:18 PM