Midterm Project Peer Review


Counts for 2% of the final grade.

Due before class Week 8

You will be randomly assigned a Midterm Project from one of your fellow students. Use the issues page on that project's GitHub repository to log your comments/questions/suggestions/bugs. Create a separate "issue" for each observation.

Comment on both Design/UX issues and Code Quality issues, e.g. formatting, readability, comments. Remember to keep the tone positive and constructive.

When you have completed your review, submit a link to that GitHub issues page for the repository of the MidTerm Project that you have been assigned to review.

Evaluation Criteria

Graded out of a maximum score of 10 points.

Rubric 3 2 1 0
Design Comments Design comments provide clear helpful suggestions Design comments are provided but some are incomplete or unclear Very little feedback and/or ignored obvious issues Not provided
Technical / Code Comments Code comments provide clear helpful suggestions Code comments are provided but some are incomplete or unclear Very little feedback and/or ignored obvious issues Not provided
Format Clearly labeled issues, with well thought out comments. Good separation of issues but some topic names or descriptions are not clear. No clear labeling and/or mixed multiple topics into a single issue.
Tone Positively constructive suggestions Some combative or dismissive language. Significant amounts of inappropriate language or overly negative in tone.
Last Updated: 9/4/2018, 4:32:18 PM