Midterm Project Progress Report


Counts for 5% of the final grade.

Due before class Week 6

Write a breif report explaining what progress you have made on the Midterm Project, what is left to complete, and what problems or impediments you currently have.

Provide examples of your progress in the form of:

  • code
  • images
  • screenshots
  • or mockups

Include a list of tasks still to be completed with target dates for their completion.

Finally, explain the problems you have faced or are still facing, and how you either solved or hope to solve them.

The progress report should be submitted as a PDF and should clearly identify your course and section number, your name, your professor's name, the date and the title of the assignment.

Evaluation Criteria

Graded out of a maximum score of 25 points.

Rubric 5 3 1 0
Current status Clear and understandable Provided but incomplete or unclear Described some activities but no sense of the overall plan Not provided
Visual Examples Examples of code, images, screenshots, or mockups with clear descriptions of how they relate to the completion status / milestones. Examples of code, images, screenshots, or mockups. Not provided
Tasks to be completed List of tasks with target completion dates List of incomplete tasks Some tasks mentioned but no list provided Not provided
Problems & Solutions Examples of problems with solutions or planned strategy. Examples of problems but no means of resolution Not provided
Format Clear and organized with correct identifying information Complete but poorly organized, OR missing identifying information Incomplete OR Complete but poorly organized, AND missing identifying information Not provided
Last Updated: 9/4/2018, 4:32:18 PM